Saturday, October 4, 2008

ArKane Scripts is open for Business

I have created a new website to sell PHP/MYSQL scripts as well as website templates. I am very proud of my first work ArKane Appointments Basic.

How It works

Simply add available times to Vcalendar©, for each day and time that an appointment is available. You can even break up the appointments by categories, or technicians or hairstylists. The appointment maker then accesses our script. Selects the category preference, selects the service to be performed during the appointment, and either selects a date or searches for the next available date. The appointment taker is then presented with 3 days of times to offer your customer. The appointment taker then confirms the appointment, and it is posted back to Vcalendar©. If you have multiple appointment makers as in the case of the telecom or service industry, it has built in error checking so that there is no overbooking of appointments, which can happen with web based appointment applications. ArKane Appointments can even be configured to take two appointment slots in the case of appointments that can take more than on slot.
My Press release can be found here