Monday, August 11, 2008

Invasion of the Country of Georgia

While we sit comfortable in our homes, something is taking place that will shift the dynamic of World Power. The attack on Georgia might seem like a trivial matter, but it is the Russian attempt to assert their sovereignty on the world. This highlights how impotent we have become, because of our dependence on the product that is more powerful than all of the atomic bombs in the world and that is energy. If we take military action, Russia will turn off it's supply of oil to the EU and world supplies. This will have the effect of driving oil and gas through the roof. You think $4.00 gas is bad, try $15 to $20 a gallon.
The time for the sleeping giant to awaken again, is now. If not for the humanitarian reason, then because of our own self interest. Hopefully for all of us this will not be a trigger to World War 3

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Open Source Moon Project is a website created to harness the skill of the Open source community in attempting to send a lander to the moon in line with the Google X prize with the additional goal of returning lunar materials to earth.

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Open Source Moon Project is a website created to harness the skill of the Open source community in attempting to send a lander to the moon in line with the Google X prize with the additional goal of returning lunar materials to earth.

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My First ... [PIC]

Teach 'em while they're young I always say ...

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An experiment in universal social networking

I believe that mankind can accomplish anything they set their heart to, whose imagination and spirit of exploration and adventure can unify us as one global family regardless of race, creed, political affiliation or personal challenges. Join the adventure!

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

An experiment in universal social networking

I believe that mankind can accomplish anything they set their heart to, whose imagination and spirit of exploration and adventure can unify us as one global family regardless of race, creed, political affiliation or personal challenges. Join the adventure!

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Open Source Moon Project

I'm a sci-fi buff and a bit of a geek. I have always wanted to be an astronaut from the time I was 5 years old. I remember watching the Apollo missions and dreaming that I could go one day. I even went to the point of nailing two 2x4's together and a tin can on the back and filling it with news paper as the fuel. I went to school the next day and shared my dream to become an Astronaut with the class. When the teacher said "that's a nice dream.", I rebutted her and said, "No, you don't understand I'm going tomorrow." Needless to say her and the entire class just stared and me.

The GOOGLE prize of getting to the moon got me thinking about this dream again.
So I was thinking, you know if we organized a group of folks from all over the world, engineers, programmers, and rocketeers and If we used the same model that has been used for Linux development think about how easy it would be to send a probe to the moon on a budget?

Everyone worldwide would do their little part, and the cost and overhead that it takes NASA would be considerably reduced.

So I've registered a new website to further this idea.

The chance that this works is about a billion to 1 but I like those odds.

- Mike

Saturday, August 2, 2008

An Open Letter to Wal-Mart

To Whom it May Concern,

I know there is many folks that disagree with your expansion policies, and there is dozens of web-sites and bloggers that don't particularly like your corporation. But I wanted to highlight to the world that your compnay, without hoopla, or recognition has taken a series of steps to really care for the communities you serve. First you started with $4.00 perscriptions. I know many times I have stood in line and had to pay $50.00 a month for the 'scripts I take but seeing older foks shell out $180-$190 dollars in a pop really is horriable. Your company took the high road and instead of looking for even bigger profits on things that are a nessesity, you became a leader in compassion and have hundreds of drugs at a reduced price. Some antibiotics are even free.

Then comes Big Oil and the sickening amount of profits they have made of somthing that is a nessesity to keep this economy running. Familys are having o choose beteen nessesities and gas. Does Wal-Mart jump on the bandwagon, even though profits are hurt because of the economy?

Nope, and this is a biggy. I am a father of 4 and each year I have the privelege of shopping for school suppies. (Detect Sarcasm) Your company stepped up again and offered most if not all the common school supplies I needed for next to nothing. For example a 24 box of crayons for 16 cents? Reams of paper for a nickle? Again you could have been like big oil and gouged us, but Wal-mart took the high road.

As a father and a customer of Wal-mart, you have my repect and my buisness. Have you concitered opening a gas station?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart ,and cheers and to your continuted success


PHP Maker 5

I have been beating my head trying to learn PHP. My boss needs some applications developed, and my knowledge of PHP is pretty limited. I have had some exposure to Zen-Cart but that application was already coded, all I had to do was learn how o modify it to meet my needs, without understanding how database transactions work, or the syntax. I found a little application that generates the code, all I have to do is style it the way I want the database information displayed. It is called PHP Maker 5 and it really simplifies the coding process and lets the designer focus on the results. I just hope my work is what my boss is looking for. Did I tell you she is great?