Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A shining light in the Darkness

I don't know how this could have happened to the greatest country in the world. We have been given the sleeping pills of deceit, and have begun our slumber. While I was born in the 60's it I don't remember the revolution that took place. While historians look back and see division I see unity. Where people made the difference; Martin Luther King, Robert and John Kennedy, and many others, It seems that the government never wanted that kind of power to ever return to the people, and slowly, methodically we have been stripped of our red, white and blue banner of freedom and draped in the fog of stimulation and darkness of greed. The Constitution gave us the right to bear arms so that if we disagreed with the government we could start a revolution. The government has protected our rights in this regard, but will limit us to muzzle loaders. The constitution guarantees our right to free speech; but if you say the wrong thing and you are labeled a traitor. The United States saw the need for revolution because of taxation without representation; We are represented, but are taxed on what we earn, what we spend, and when we die. We pay taxes on what we save, what we invest and what we share. Our forefathers stood up when their tea was taxed. What will it take for us to stand up, to raise the flag of liberty and of justice and say that it is enough? Perhaps we are so over stimulated that we will never awake from our slumber again.

I feel a tide has come by which we will be unable to escape. But without hope, there is no point in living, so I choose hope. I choose liberty, and I choose democracy.

It is time for us to elect a leader that will strive to return us to the foundation our forefathers left us, a leader that will return the government to the people. We can choose to have our ears tickled by sly tongues or we can show we will not stand for or liberties to be stolen from us, cut off of us a piece at a time.

I see a glimmer of hope in the man that is Ron Paul. I see the shining light in the darkness that the government has placed us in. It is time for democrats and republicans to set aside their differences and vote their conscience, vote for freedom, vote for the light that is slowly fading. A patriot will stand up and do what is hard even though it might not agree with what the status quo is. Look beyond the makeup, the rhetoric and the celebrity and think for yourself. All hope is not lost, you can make a difference. Make our founding fathers proud; secure the future for your children and their children and return the government to our control. You have a choice my fellow americans, chose liberty.