Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Blessed with a Curse

Welp, I have the pleasure of having inherited horribly bad teeth from my parents. My teeth need to be replaced, but alas I don't have the funds. The result? One big fat infection, which isn't good considering I don't have a spleen. I went to the hospital and got some meds and they seem to have helped. But I find out while I'm there that my blood pressure in my other arm is sitting at 165/105. Not good. My doc is going to up my dose of Blood pressure meds to see if we can get it under control. I guess sitting on my butt and smoking 2 packs a day doesn't help either. So can you see the New Years Resolution coming?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

RCA HD50LPW52 Color Wheel replacment

While I love my DLP wide screen it has become necessary to replace the color wheel several times. Since there is a lack of clear instructions on how to do this, I'll try to share how it's done.

Tools Needed
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Torx based Screwdriver (its the one that looks like a star)

First lay the TV on its face. Be sure and make sure there is nothing you will be laying the face on, because it will scratch the face. Remove all of the screws on the base only, there is about 20 or so of them so place them where you won't lose them. Remove the back plate.

Now remove all of the screws that attach the top to the speakers. Carefully slide the base away.

There is a cover that the lens is poking through, carefully remove that. You will see an aluminum looking piece that has two screws on it. a small wire coming from it and a copper colored tape. Carefully remove the wire and the tape wire. Now unscrew the color wheel housing.

Remove it, and replace it with the new color wheel, and tighten it up. Make sure you don't tighten it all the way, just so it is snug and reconnect the small plug wire and tape wire. Now do everything in reverse and you should be good to go. I will try and get pictures the next time I have to do this.